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Exclusive Zpd.TIPS from Z promotion & design
Volume 2 - 2001

The Zpd.TIPS archives has been divided into 5 10-week periods. As you click on the links below, you will be taken to that section of the tips.

Volume 2 Number 1

This week the Zpd.TIPS step-by-step marketing strategy begins its look at
Media Guidelines

  • Advertising must generate maximum media 
    impact, consistent with budget guidelines. This will be accomplished through a combination of the following elements:

from the following options select [A] and/or [B] [C]

[A] Reach

  • To reach our market(s) effectively and efficiently, we will advertise in [consumer/ business/ industrial/ trade/ association/ school/ other?] media with [broad/ vertical] market penetration, as detailed in our media plan –(if your media plan is appended to the marketing plan, or "to be developed").
  • In addition to scheduled media, we will seize ever [available/ affordable] opportunity to appear in special issues or sections which may provide a dedicated and timely environment for our advertising. NOTE: media sales people will advise regular advertiser in advance of upcoming issues which may be of special interest to them... but be sure to ask!

[B] Frequency

  • Advertising impressions increase with repetition, so we will schedule as many insertions as the budget allows, per media plan [attached/ to be developed].
  • Advertising schedules will be [front loaded for launch/ constant throughout the campaign period/ increased during peak selling periods/ times to correspond with editorial coverage/ other?]
  • Frequency may be traded off to Impact – i.e.: we may opt for [larger space/extra colors] at the expense of GRPs, in certain media and/or at certain times.

[C] Impact

  • For maximum impact, our ads will be as large and colorful as allowable within the budget. We will [maintain/ reduce/ increase] the size of the ads after launch.
  • Optimally, we will employ (specify ad sizes and colors, if known – i.e.: 30 second spots/ double-page spread/ full page ad/ half page ad/ 4-color/ spot color/ black and white/ other) followed by (specify size of maintenance ads).
  • Where a premium price for preferred position in the media is justified, advertising will be positioned for maximum impact (specify special position, if known – i.e.: front cover/ center spread/ the business section/ drive times/ other?)
  • As required by frequency, a campaign of (how many? ____)[ads/spots] would be produced and rotated over the course of the campaign period.

Volume 2 Number 2

I ran the ad... the phone didn’t ring...

Be ready to give your ad time to work. Very often a message doesn’t get through to every potential reader/viewer until it has appeared in the same media at least a few times. If your use high frequency insertions, you ad will "wear out" sooner than later. A good rule of thumb says that most ads are "seen and noted" best after 3 to 5 insertions in the same media, and "wear out" begins after 7 to 12 repetitions. But there are too many exceptions to this to be more than just a rule-of-thumb. If you ad includes some kind of response mechanism, say a coupon offering a free gift or information package, you can easily track your ad’s reader/viewership.

Volume 2 Number 3


Readership and viewership studies are available through most media, for a fee. As a free service to advertisers most industrial and trade magazines insert a "Reader Service Card" in each issue. Readers wishing to receive more information about your ad just circle your ad number on the card and mail it postage-paid to the magazine, who forwards the inquiry to the advertiser.

Complete this sentence for your media plan...

Our media advertising will be periodically monitored via 
(specify, if known – i.e. Starch readership surveys / Nielsen / a market research supplier/ our own marketing department/ out agency / other?) and any media or creative changes which may be indicated will be promptly addressed.

Volume 2 Number 4


Most media advertising guidelines also apply to other forms of advertising, including:

"Outdoor" – paid advertising displayed in public places – roadside billboards, back-lit signs in malls, etc.

"Transit" – posters on buses, trains and in stations.

"Point of Sale" (POS) – signs and posters displayed on or in stores, on a shelf or as part of a display or merchandiser.

"Free Standing Insert" (FSI) – sometimes called a "supplement" – any promotional piece, even a multi-paged brochure, catalog or newsletter – inserted in a magazine or newspaper (at considerably less cost than the equivalent size ad in the same publication). Of course, you have to pay to print enough inserts for the media circulation you are buying. Also, your FSI must meet the publication’s mechanical requirements, and you have to deliver your material for insertion to the media. But if you’re printing that "insert" for some other use anyway, you’re already paying the "penalty" since printing costs decrease sharply with volume.

Volume 2 Number 5

Sales Promotional Guidelines

[In addition to/independent of] standard advertising practices, special promotional activities including (specify, if known – trade promotions/consumer promotions/ sampling programs/ discounts/ two-for-one/ bonus packs/ premiums/ contests/ cross-company tie-ins/ others?) will be developed for the following tactical reasons:

(Select options from the following list which express your intentions, in any, for using sales promotions)

To build traffic at point of sale

To promote trial during launch phase

To counter competitors’ tactics

To level seasonal sales peaks and valleys

To control over-stock situations

To gain promotional leverage through cooperative programs with other marketers whose [products/services] are complementary to our own

To complement our regular advertising program

Sales promotions will be announced in the marketplace via [media advertising/ direct mail/ POS/ other] and supported by special materials including [coupons/ promotional packaging/ scratch-and-wins/ magic ink cards/ banners/ t-shirts/ hats/ other].

Volume 2 Number 6

Direct Mail Guidelines

From the list below, select [A] and/or [B] [C], as applicable.

[A] Due to the geographic concentration of our market segment, direct mail is a cost-effective [alternative/adjunct] to our other communications programs. We will use [or prospects list/ rented mailing lists/ other] to reach our target markets via [first class mail/ bulk mail/ postal walks/ newspaper supplement/ email/ web-based/ other].

[B] Due to the nature of our message, direct mail is the only practical way to impact our target market. Our [product/service] demands the [personal/ confidential/ tangible] presentation that only direct mail can cost-effectively deliver.

[C] Due to our response-driven marketing objectives, direct mail is the most cost-effective marketing communications vehicle. Direct mail delivers both the sales pitch and the order form directly into the customer’s hands.

Creation, production, stuffing and distribution of direct mail materials will be managed with the assistance of suppliers.

Volume 2 Number 7

Telemarketing Guidelines

A large and growing number of enterprises are successfully marketing their goods via telephone sales. As with direct mail, success largely depends on the quality of the database and of the "delivery" system, in this case, the script and operator. Additionally, you need telephones and an efficient order-taking system plus efficient shipping and handling. If you know who your prospects are and you are good on the phone, you could evolve your own system telemarketing success. Or you could employ telemarketing service providers, available online or in the yellow pages.

Complete the following for your marketing plan:

We will rely on telemarketing to:

[] produce direct sales
[] follow up on publicity releases
[] follow up on direct mail

Volume 2 Number 8

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

Any editorial coverage you receive from the media is like free advertising; but it isn’t exactly free. You have to communicate with the editors. Send them press releases. Talk with them on the phone. Your rewards can be great. Many small companies with no advertising budgets have been launched via PR. Your press release will have a better chance of being seen and used if it is emailed to the editor or reporter by name. Call the publication to get the contact information you need. If you cannot get the name of person you need to communicate with, you can send your release to the department.

Published articles might also serve as an endorsement which can add credibility to your advertising.

Public Relations firms are listed online and in the yellow pages.

We will look at your two publics over the next few weeks.

External Public – customers, clients, community, investors, others?
Internal Public – employees, employees’ families, suppliers, distributors, dealers, others?

Volume 2 Number 9

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

If you decide to rely on Public Relations, select or combine options from the following list that answer your marketing goals and/or help to overcome weaknesses you have previously identified.

  • as our principal promotional vehicle to publicize our [company/ product/ service].
  • to supplement media advertising as a cost-effective way to interface our target markets.
  • to enhance our corporate image via-a-vis ( Identify special publics you want your PR to influence – eg: the financial community).
  • to maintain a continuous presence vis-a-vis our public(s), consistent with our corporate mandate.

A corporate mandate can be a guiding principal and unifying thread for all of your marketing communications activities. Your company’s mission statement should project the image you wish to communicate to your publics – eg. pace-setting/ leading edge/ customer service driven/ fiscally sound/ environmentally aware/ a good place to work/ etc.

Volume 2 Number 10

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

To accomplish our PR objectives we will:
(Select or combine options from the following list)

  • develop a list of our [industry’s /market’s] major media; including managers, editors, contributing editors, writers, reporters
  • develop a list of all key management and/or decision makers at our customers’ and prospects’ companies
  • develop a sustained public relations dialogue with on-going contact between key editors, writers, news personalities, and our company’s top-level personnel
  • develop a bulletins to keep key editors abreast of fast breaking news concerning our company
  • develop a newsletter as a showcase for our company’s products, successes, significant marketing and manufacturing events, technical support and product development stories, customer profiles, dealer profiles. Distribute the newsletter to all customers and prospects, sales representatives, dealers and distributors, as well as to the media and posting on your web site.
  • develop a series of press releases on our [product(s)/ service(s)/ people/ facilities/ plans/ awards/ etc.]
  • develop a Press Kit around key announcements regarding our company/ product/ service], including photographs and/or product samples for distribution to key editors
  • invite media to attend editorial visits to include a tour of facilities, product demonstrations, news story briefings interviews with key company personnel to be timed with [grand openings/ product introductions/ company milestones/ etc.]
  • schedule our key people to give talks or lead seminars at industry association meetings and conventions
  • maintain hospitality suites at trade shows and conventions. schedule mini interviews with key executives for the media
  • display samples and reproductions of our [advertising/ awards/ reviews] where visitors can see them
  • distribute our corporate brochure, annual report and promotional literature to customers and prospects and display in all public area(s) of our company offices
  • develop feature articles around facilities openings, plant expansions, new acquisitions or mergers, providing perspective on the [history/ heritage/ principals/ ideals] that make our company noteworthy
  • take courtesy ads in events programs of special interest to our [customers/ distributors/ dealers]
  • participate in selected community service activities and conspicuously support social good works
  • others....?

Volume 2 Number 11

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

A press clipping service will be hired to monitor publications receiving our press releases and to send us tear sheets of published stories. (Press Clipping services can be found in the yellow pages or online).

Internal Publics...
select or combine options from the following list...

  • display poster-size reproductions of our [advertising/ awards/ reviews] where employees can see them and share company pride
  • institute and publicize an employee awards program, recognizing outstanding performance, safety records, ideas
  • organize teams sports and produce jackets, hats and/or other personal accessories for employees to wear, imprinted with the corporate identity
  • develop an internal newsletter whose editorial policy focuses on employee interests and achievements
  • other?

Volume 2 Number 12

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

Events Marketing/Sponsorship Guidelines

We will sponsor certain [event/ activities/ programs]. Sponsored events myust meet the following criteria:

  • interface our target market
  • support our corporate/brand image
  • provide corporate PR leverage
  • provide free and paid media opportunities
  • provide promotional opportunities
  • other?

sponsored events will include:

(select or combine options from the following list)

  • men’s /women’s sports (specify, if known – basketball, tennis, golf, etc..)
  • cultural and arts
  • awards programs/ presentations
  • charities/ research/ ecology/ environment
  • other?

Paid advertising [will/ will not] be used to promote sponsored events.

Volume 2 Number 13

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

Shows and Exposition Guidelines

[Trade/Consumer] shows will be [the principal component of/ a key element of/ a minor component of] our marketing communications campaign. We intend to create [an impressive presence/ a modest presence] at the following events:

(list in order of importance)

Show Name:



We will take the following steps to maximize the effectiveness of our participation at these events: (select or combine from this list)

  • hospitality suites
  • advance direct mail to our prospect list to announce booth number at each show and to invite them to meet with us
  • advertising announcing our booth number and inviting attendance will be placed in [show program/media]
  • promotional materials for the show will include (specify, if known – posters/ spec sheets/ pamphlets/ imprinted toys, bags or other favors/ others
  • show display professional designed and built
  • a [registration book/ ballot box] will be provided for visitors to [sign-in/ deposit business cards]
  • we will create a promotion to attract and reward visitors to the booth
  • booth will be attended by: (identify company personnel and indicate if there also will be professional show hosts
  • other

Volume 2 Number 14

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

Brochure and Collaterals Guidelines

Corporate brochures and other printed information materials support most marketing programs. You may be able to desk-top-publish some of your own materials. Professionals, such as Z promotion & design are available, as well.

We will develop a corporate brochure, organized as follows


  • cover with corporate identity
  • message from the president
  • corporate mission statement
  • organizational information
  • products and services
  • plants and facilities
  • sales and distribution
  • quality assurance


  • paper (type/weight)
  • format (3-panel/ pocket/ folded)
  • size
  • pages (number)
  • colors (4-color, 2-color, one color)
  • special (varnish/ emboss)
  • illustration technique (photography/ illustrations/ specialty)

Volume 2 Number 15

Public Relations and Publicity Guidelines

Additional Collaterals to support Sales and Marketing

We will produce the following additional collaterals:
(select, modify, delete or add)

  • pamphlets/ catalogues/ spec sheets/ rate cards
  • audio/video shows/ power point presentations/ product demos
  • technical support materials (bulletins/ manuals)
  • point of sale materials (signs/ shelf talkers/ display merchandise)
  • in-pack/ on pack materials (user instructions/ recipes/ re-order forms/ promotional inserts/ premiums)
  • ads/posters
  • newsletters
  • brochures
  • post cards
  • bulletins
  • presentation kits
  • business cards
  • price lists/rate cards
  • catalogues
  • charts/graphs
  • proposals
  • data sheets
  • questionnaires / surveys (online)
  • direct mail
  • reports
  • financial reports
  • resumes
  • business forms
  • letterhead stationary
  • handouts/flyers
  • telemarketing scripts
  • Invitations
  • Videos
  • Letters
  • Research Studies
  • TV/Radio Spots
  • Multimedia Presentations
  • Web Presence

Volume 2 Number 16

Budget Guidelines

Communications costs can range from 4% to 15% of annual projected sales.

If your first (of two) phases runs [say] six months, allocate at least 50% of your total annual communications budget to Phase-1. If you are "front-loading" your communications spending, increase your allotment proportionately for Phase-1.

A Media Plan usually includes a "blocking chart" or calendar with all selected media listed with insertion dates "blocked" in for the entire campaign period.

Phase 1 communications investment will be budgeted as follows:

(select, add, delete, modify as appropriate)





sales promotion 


public relations


direct mail












Volume 2 Number 17

Budget Guidelines

In comparison with industry averages, we are investing...

Select [A] or [B] or [C] from the following:

[A] at parity with key competition. Parity spending is necessary to create a credible presence in the media, vis-a-vis our target markets

[B] at a higher rate than key competition. This is required if we expect to:
(select, add, delete, qualify, elaborate as appropriate)

-generate immediate high awareness and excitement during launch.
-create credibility as a leader in the field
-other reasons to spend above the industry average?

[C] at a lower rate than key competition. We can spend less in view of our...
(select, add, delete, qualify, elaborate as appropriate)

-well entrenched position in the marketplace 
-leverage with distributors/retailers -unconventional marketing/communications strategy
-other reasons you may spend below industry average

Volume 2 Number 18

The Plan of Action

Within the Plan of Action Section of your marketing plan, we’ll look at the following topics:

  • Task Force
  • Suppliers
  • Critical Path

The task force will consist of individuals who will be responsible for [managing/ coordinating/ implementing] this marketing plan.

Volume 2 Number 19

The Plan of Action

The task force will consist of individuals who will be responsible for [managing/ coordinating/ implementing] this marketing plan.

For each of the tasks listed, you need place an individual in charge and determine whom that person reports to. A chart works great.




new business 

dealer and OEM

sales generation tools

customer service/

corporate identity


direct response

telemarketing –

product position
and identification

advertising and
sales promotion

public relations

product development

internet strategy


Remember you take a closer look at the tasks at hand, Z promotion & design is available to make this step easier on you and your business.

Volume 2 Number 20

Suppliers ---

Following are the types of suppliers who will assist in the implementation of our marketing campaign:

(Most suppliers offer multiple services and provide cost estimates with no obligation. If you’re not sure what services are offered, ask. The fewer the suppliers – the fewer the headaches)

  • -package designer/fabricator
  • -sales trainer/motivator
  • -marketing consultant
  • -media buying service
  • -advertising agency
  • -sales promotions agency
  • -copy/layout/graphic design
  • -printers
  • -direct mail agency
  • -direct mail fulfillment
  • -telemarketing company
  • -public relations firm
  • -exhibit designer
  • -audio/video production company
  • -web design/development company
  • -illustrator/photographer
  • Our suppliers are already selected: (List suppliers by name and service)

Additional suppliers will be selected after a limited search based on [established/to-be-established] criteria.

Volume 2 Number 21

The Plan of Action

Critical Path ---

Decisions and steps to be taken within the next (how many?) _________ [weeks/months]


Responsibility of

Initiation Date

Completion Date

Marketing Plan




Select Agency/




Write & Review Comm.




Write & Review 
Media Plan




Review Customer/ Prospects List




Product Review




Market Research




Distributor/ Dealer Selection




Organize/ Recruit Sales Personnel/




Schedule Sell-in








Volume 2 Number 22

The Plan of Action

Critical Path

As you pull together the information needed to take last weeks’ (Zpd.TIPS vol.2 no.21) steps, consider

  • Supplier long-list
  • Supplier quotes (review actual costs vs. budgeted costs)
  • Establish research parameters
  • Distributor/Dealer list
  • other?

Decisions and steps to be take within the next (how many?) ___________[weeks/months]

Volume 2 Number 23

The Plan of Action

Critical Path

Information needed to take the steps outlined in Zpd.TIPS vol.2 no.21

Decisions and steps to be take within the next (how many?) ___________[weeks/months]

  • Sell-in to retailers/distributors
  • Set Production schedule (design, illustration. photography, type, art, films, printing, filming/recording, editing, mixing, dubbing, web work, etc.)
  • Book media
  • Obtain mailing lists
  • Creative review (first draft copy, layouts)

Volume 2 Number 24

The Plan of Action

Critical Path

Information needed to take the steps outlined in Zpd.TIPS vol.2 no.21

Decisions and steps to be take within the next (how many?) ___________[weeks/months]

  • Creative approval
  • Production (itemize by job – i.e. photography/ typesetting/ recording/web/ etc.
  • Mailing
  • Insertion Orders to Media
  • Research Results and Review / Revise Strategies/ Tactics
  • Initiate Phase 2

Volume 2 Number 25

For the last year or so Zpd.TIPS has taken a marketing plan and broken it up into weekly installments. Last week we finally finished.

If you missed any of it, or are ready to begin putting your own marketing plan together, you can visit the Zpd.TIPS archives... start at tip #18 and keep going. Or get in touch and I’ll help.

Volume 2 Number 26

When the economy is looking bleak, we all begin counting our pennies, rubles or lira and our first impulse is to cut marketing and advertising.

BAD choice.

Your best bet is to look for economical ways to continue to market your company. Over the next few weeks, Zpd.TIPS will give you some ideas.

First up, keep in touch with you current and recent clients/customers. If they are cutting staff, you may be able to fill in as an outsourcing partner. Communication is the key. Pick up the phone. Send an email. Take your contact to lunch. Find out how you can work together for the mutual benefit of both businesses.

Volume 2 Number 27

Continuing with some ideas for maintaining lines of communication with your existing and potential clients…

Consider sending out a survey.

This can be done via the web, as a direct mail-back piece or on the phone.

The benefits:

a) a survey puts your company in the forefront of your clients’ mind.

b) a survey provides you with valuable information that can help your company grow or adapt.

Feel free to contact me if you’d like more in-depth information on surveys.

Volume 2 Number 28

Continuing with some cost-effective ideas for maintaining lines of communication with your existing and potential clients…

I’ll revisit the first Zpd.TIPs with today’s idea. Send out a regularly scheduled (weekly, monthly) email correspondence. Either make it something directly tied to your business, or something totally fun – like a joke of the week, a quote your can use or a useful web site you’ve found. Just keep a couple of things in mind as you accept this challenge – keep it short and keep it going.

Volume 2 Number 29

Does your company publish a newsletter? A quarterly newsletter is an excellent way to keep your name "out there" and a great way to keep your customers and clients informed about your company.

You can print and mail it, send it out as an Adobe Acrobat email attachment, place it on your web site, all three or we can get even more creative.

Z promotion & design can help you design a newsletter to fit your budget.

Volume 2 Number 30

Update your web site! Your site should be a living, breathing extension of your business.

Do you have an "in the news" section? Place news releases on your site… new employees, new business, etc. Even if the press didn’t pick up on your release, you can still place it on your site.

Do you put samples of your work (if applicable) on your site?

Send emails to alert your clients, customers, friends and family about the changes, ask for their feedback.

Volume 2 Number 31

How do you respond to sales leads? Do you have a package ready to send out? Imagine how impressed you’d be if you received a FedEx or Priority Mail envelope the day after you stopped by a car dealership, furniture store or other business. And in that envelope was a package with additional information about the company, the staff and the products, as well as the company’s last newsletter, testimonials and other literature.

Making the best impression closes the deal. Delivering to that impression keeps you in business.

Volume 2 Number 32

Do you travel much? For business? For pleasure?

When you do travel make sure your business cards are handy. Have you thought of leaving a few behind... how about:

  • In the in-flight magazine (as a bookmark)
  • On a pay phone (some business travelers still use them)
  • On a table in the bar, restaurant or at the gate (leave one and change seats... or gates)
  • At your destination hotel... in the bar, in the lobby, in the work-out room

Be creative... but not obnoxious...

Volume 2 Number 33

Do you have client testimonials as part of your marketing materials? Ask and ye shall receive. Simply ask them for testimonials and permission to use what they write in your brochures, on your web site or as part of your sales sheets.

The testimonials serve a few purposes...

  1. it puts you in touch with your clients, perhaps some who you have not spoken with directly for a number of months
  2. it does what testimonials are suppose to do – gives your company added credibility
  3. and it’s good for your ego, sometimes it’s nice to step back and see yourself as others see you... you may be surprised

Volume 2 Number 34

Been to a good party lately? A useful seminar? A community meeting?

The key is Networking...

We network to expand our circle of friends, our business and our sphere of influence. To achieve and maintain success, you need to treat it as seriously as your financials. Networking should be an integral part of your marketing program – planned and executed. And, the more members of your team networking on behalf of your company, the better off you’ll be.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll give you some creative ways to achieve your networking goals...

Volume 2 Number 35


It’s been almost a week since the United States was attacked. Like everyone, everywhere, the reality is still sinking in here. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families and friends. In addition, we stand in support of our national leaders as they craft appropriate responses.

And so this week’s Zpd.TIPS is a simple one:

Don’t let the bastards win!

Continue doing business as usual as you can. Make a purchase. Continue to advertise. Call on a strategic partner, see what kind of joint project you can do to add to both your bottom lines.

We are responsible for keeping the economy moving.
We are responsible for maintaining consumer confidence.
We are responsible for ensuring the terrorists do not win

PS - Buy a video – James Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy. I promise it’ll lift your spirits, reinforce your patriotism and help the economy.

Volume 2 Number 36

Hopefully business is beginning to return to normal. In a scarier world and in an uncertain economy networking provides support, as well as an opportunity to increase your business. Over the next few weeks we’ll take a look at networking ideas. The first...

Join. Join. Join. – Affiliate yourself and your business with as many organizations and clubs as you can. Don’t just join – become active. Sit on boards, offer your professional services in exchange for public recognition and attend functions.

Volume 2 Number 37

Another in our list of networking ideas...

Play. Play. Play. – Almost every region has an incredible number of opportunities to network socially. Take advantage of them. For an hour or so after work you have a chance to relax, meet other professionals and swap business cards.

If there is no opportunity like this in your community – get together with a few colleagues and start a regularly scheduled networking opportunity yourself!

And although I don’t partake, I hear the golf course is where the real networking happens.

Volume 2 Number 38

Another networking opportunity...

Attend. Attend. Attend. – I never met a conference I didn’t like. Again, most regions support a number of conferences, roundtable discussions and business meetings. Go, mingle, learn something and share.

Volume 2 Number 39

This week... a cross between networking and spending a few dollars.... you decide.

Sponsor. Sponsor. Sponsor. – Not officially networking, but a great way to get your name "out there". Ever close a deal at a sporting event or concert? Not a bad place to relax, network and have fun!

Volume 2 Number 40

Network... get involved... and do something good

Community. Community. Community. – Get yourself and your business involved in your community. Museums, civic organizations and religious communities have opportunities for volunteers – another great way to meet people... many times they are the “movers and shakers” who can help you and your business grow and succeed.

Volume 2 Number 41

Helpful. Helpful. Helpful. – Take time to help other people. Help the new arrival find a job, pull in a client or just get settled. I’ve helped a number of people find jobs because I took the time to make a phone call or send an email to a contact of mine. Often that person has come back to help me when I needed it. Remember the movie or was it a book – "Six Degrees of Separation" (someone correct me if I’m wrong). You are no more that six people away from any other person in the world. Need to meet the president of a major corporation or of the US? – networking can get it done.

Volume 2 Number 42

Is your 2002 marketing plan set? If not, it’s time to get started... magazines will be looking for January’s creative in a matter of weeks. During the upcoming weeks we’ll look at the elements of an effective marketing plan.

Start with a mission, a goal and a timetable:

  • What do I want to accomplish?
  • Can I quantify it?
  • How long before I see results?

For example: I want to change my business’ image and increase sales by 40%. I will begin the process in 2002 and reevaluate its effectiveness for 2003.

Volume 2 Number 43

Planning your 2002 marketing continues.

After you have established your mission, goal and timetable – set a budget.

Look at your 2001 gross revenues or your 2002 projected revenues and plan to invest 3% - 5%. You may want to go a bit higher if you can and let the actual revenue from a successful campaign bring your percentage into line.

Volume 2 Number 44

Planning your 2002 marketing continues.

Once your budget has been set, it’s time to look at your message.

Do you have a consistent message? Is it current? Does it reflect the image you want to portray?

If you need to establish or change your image, now is the time to plan for it... your budget may take an initial hit, but it will pay off in the end.

Volume 2 Number 45

Planning your 2002 marketing continues.

As you consider your image, these are some of the elements that may need revisions...

  • Positioning/Tag line
  • Corporate Identity/Logo
  • business cards
  • letterhead/envelopes
  • Consistent design elements
  • print ads
  • web site
  • collateral materials (folders/brochures, etc)

Volume 2 Number 46

Planning your 2002 marketing continues.

Where to advertise? This week we’ll list some media options... then look at what to consider when deciding which media to use.

  • Newspaper Ads
  • Magazine Ads
  • Television
    • Cable
    • Local Broadcast
  • Radio
  • Yellow Pages
  • Direct Mail

Volume 2 Number 47

Planning your 2002 marketing continues.

Newspaper Ads – First of all, which newspaper(s). 

  • The Major Daily Paper
    • many businesses cover multiple markets, so you may have more than one “daily” from which to choose. 
    • will you ad get lost?  
    • does your paper pack all the ads from like businesses together in a specific section? 
    • are you reaching the “correct” people – or are you reaching too many (non-qualified) people 
    • what day(s) should your ad appear is the cost worth the response?
  •  Weekly /Monthly papers
    • Ethnic

    • Political
    • Entertainment
    • Business
    • Campus
    • Shopping

Volume 2 Number 48

Planning your 2002 marketing continues.

Magazine Ads –
You can afford to advertise in Time or Newsweek!

Many national magazines are printed regionally allowing for cost effective ad placement. In addition, many are printed separately for news stand and subscribers allowing you to place ads in subscriber-based magazines only.

That opens a huge can of worms... not only do you have to decide about the myriad of local magazines and trade magazine, but now you can add national magazines to your media buy.

Considering magazines? The same questions apply...

• which magazine(s) will reach your market?
• what size ad do you need? Full page or less?
• how often should your ad appear?




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